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Sound Therapy &
Energy Therapy

Finding Your True North Comes
From Within

You are and always will be the master of your own destiny. The sessions I offer allow you to reconnect with your highest self. We will explore areas of energetic blockages within the body and delve into why these areas may be blocked uniquely for you. 

The sessions themselves consist of half an hour of sound therapy and half an hour of hand on energy therapy. I also offer longer sessions and customised sessions.

The treatment itself is deeply relaxing; you will be lying within a copper pyramid within a bed. Blankets and eye masks are available; however, you are welcome to bring your own if you prefer.  

I will take you through a guided meditation in the beginning, and thereafter you may follow this meditation for the duration of the sessions, or you may wish to drift off or fall asleep. There are no exceptions. 

Semicircle of Crystals

What is Sound Therapy?

Sound Therapy is an ancient art; in Greece, it was used in an attempt to cure mental disorders. In current science, we see the healing effects of this therapy on mental and emotional disharmonies and overall well-being. It helps to reorient the spirit and, in doing so, brings our mind, body and soul back into alignment. 

Each session, I will use a variety of different sound therapy tools; the tools I use will vary depending on what I feel is needed in the session. Some of the tools I use include Tuning Folks, Crystal Singing Bowls, and Gongs. Each of these is tuned to specific healing frequencies. Some sound therapists use their voices to assist in the re-alignment of the chakras. I use a combination of mantras and different healing prayers when needed to facilitate the healing.  

What are the benefits of sound therapy?

  • Pain reduction. Tuning forks specifically have been shown to help relieve muscle and bone pain.  

  • It helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. 

  • Helps with stress management and reduction. 

  • Improves the quality of sleep by increasing the amount of REM sleep. 

  • Reduces anxiety and helps ease an overactive nervous system. 

  • Reduction of PMS symptoms such as mood swings. 

  • Helps with some symptoms of depression. 

  • Helps with trauma and PTSD. 

  • Helps with some symptoms of Autism. 

Pyramid Healing

Some patients request to book a session within the pyramid by themselves as a tool for meditation. The pyramid itself can enhance meditation, and meditation in the pyramid naturally balances and aligns chakras and meridians. The pyramid is built to a precise 51-degree angle, the same as found within The Great Pyramid. 

Once aligned due north to the planet's magnetic field, it becomes activated. and is said to enhance the sacred energy of earth's frequencies and radiate this for 100 miles.  

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Contact Me

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Disclaimer: The tools are used for meditation and do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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